Specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of various common and frequent diseases: especially in the diagnosis and treatment of facial skin diseases such as acne, rosacea, facial seborrheic dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, hormone-dependent dermatitis, facial capillary dilatation and so on. Specialized in the combination of Chinese and Western medicine endocrine treatment, facial treatment, laser treatment, adjustment of skin PH value and skin barrier repair and other treatment methods, and received very good treatment results.
Served as Deputy Chief Physician in the Department of Dermatology, Huadong Hospital; Member of the 9th and 10th Youth Committee of Dermatology, Shanghai Medical Association; Member of the 9th Specialized Fungi Group of Dermatology, Shanghai Medical Association; Member of the Skin Aesthetics Committee of Shanghai Medical Women's Association; Published a number of papers including "Detection and analysis of serum-specific lgE in 149 patients with eczema dermatitis".
Dr. Chunlin YanDeputy Chief PhysicianDepartment Dermatology
Doctor of Medicine from Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University (Shanghai Medical University), with nearly 30 years of experience in adult and pediatric dermatology; Previously worked in the Dermatology Departments of Huashan Hospital, Shanghai, Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, London, UK and Case Western Reserve Hospital, USA.